Sunday, July 3, 2011

meal plan for the week

breakfast- 1 egg, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 6 almonds (140)
after workout snack- protein shake, peaches (145)
lunch- protein shake, salad (160)
dinner- protein shake, steamed veggies (160)
total= 605
*options can vary, e.i. salad for dinner and veggies for lunch, peaches for breakfast, etc
*meals can be skipped
*never go over 700
*must do some form of cardio, at least 30 minutes everyday
*must lift weights everyday (2 sets, 15 reps)
*NO SNACKING gum is permitted
*drinks shall include tea, coffee, water, diet soda

i have a plan, i will stick to it. i am going to eat breakfast and then i am going to the gym. my gym plan for today is to work all muscle groups and then reach 700cals on the elliptical.
i need to get this binge weight off. idk how much i gained, i didn't get on the scale, but i can FEEL it and it is disgusting.
it is sunday, first day of the week, and i'm going to make this week the best one.
oh, AND, i will go to my classes this week. no excuses.


  1. Sounds like a pretty cool plan!
    you can do it(: I know you can.
    Stay strong and good luck!

  2. Hmmm I might try that...good plan.
    Keep it up!! =D
