Thursday, November 26, 2009


starts tomorrow, many of us are doing it, you should too :{D
the more, the merrier. the more people involved, the more support we will all have, the more pounds we will all lose.
there's even a forum:
oh yeah, today i weighed 152 :] im getting there again :]

except, thanksgiving was a fail, but i worked my ass off last night, and plan on doing the same tonight, and hopefully didnt gain weight from today, plus i took some laxatives, so all should be well :]]

i am so excited to do abc again.
i will do it, the whole thing, not just the first week.

we will all do this, and at the finish line, we will hold hands and take a skinny bow, and the world will see us for the beautiful goddesses we all are.


  1. Restarting ABC is like going back to school at the beginning of the year hahaha. So exciting. Good luck dearie! : D

  2. "we will all do this, and at the finish line, we will hold hands and take a skinny bow, and the world will see us for the beautiful goddesses we all are." Beautiful. Really, just touchingly, hear-warmingly beautiful.

    I'm going to add that to my list of thinquotes, if that's ok with you.
